Travel Light - All You Need Are The ESSENTIALS

A game-changing daily methodology - for life.


What's a Wellsmith?

Greg Chappell AO MBE

Success doesn't happen by accident. I strongly recommend the ESSENTIALS program for individuals and businesses seeking modern personal development.

Former Australian Cricket Captain

Meet Michael

Michael Gaffney is the founder of Wellsmith Pty Ltd (2006) and the creator of the innovative Wellbeing, Mindset & Resilience Program - Essentials.

Michael is a High-Performance Mindset Coach dedicated to helping others achieve peak personal outcomes using a proven formula that once learnt, requires no extra time to utilise.

Latest Programs

Options For Individuals


Start designing your own Optimal LivingWellbeing Blueprint Today With Instant Access to Our Signature Online Program - ESSENTIALS

  • WELLSMITH's Essentials Online Program
  • 180-Day Access to Online Program
  • Accessible Across All Platforms - Phone, Tablet and Laptop (Pick Up Where Left Off)
Coming Soon


Unparalleled Executive Coaching. ESSENTIALS Online Program + Tailored 1-On-1 Training with Mindset Coach Michael Gaffney

  • 1 Additional Online Essentials Program Voucher (Study Buddy)
  • 6 x 60 min. 1-on-1 Personal Executive Coaching with Michael Gaffney
  • 365-Day Access to Online Program
  • Real-time support inside Online Program
  • Email & Phone Support
  • Trello Boards, Cheat Sheets, Life Hacks, Personal Optimal Living Resources + more.
Contact Michael

You're Currently Viewing Options Available to Individuals

The Wellsmith's ESSENTIALS Program is now available in Adelaide Workplaces. 

Workshops, Leadership Programs, Executive Coaching and much more.

Workplace Wellbeing Packages

Frequently Asked Questions

Tom Upitis

Essentials allows me to proactively organise and optimise my day. Super effective. Super simple. 

Strategy, Innovation & AI Professional

Kasey Willson

Wellsmith is highly recommended for individuals wanting to level up their personal and professional lives.

Naturopath & Podcast Host

Luke Evans

Wellsmith's Essentials Program has given me the tools to enjoy greater clarity, control and calm.

Design Director. Surf Life Saver

You Got This

Wellsmith is a solution-focused wellbeing & resilience practice. We love helping people craft their own daily blueprint for optimal living.

If you recognise you need assistance with mental health challenges, Wellsmith recommends reaching out to the fantastic support provider, Mental Health Coalition, South Australia.

Mental Health Coalition